Sunday 7 February 2010


Purpose of Research
I understand the purpose to carry out research because it allows one to build upon their knowledge of the subject they are investigating. There are two types of research; first being primary. This type of research is carried out by you as an individual, collecting information from the target audience such as: writing surveys; to collect the audiences opinion on the subject matter, organsising focus groups and group feedback; to build opinions and discussions between a certain topic.

Secondary research involves information summerised and collected by another person. The internet is a very dominant source of secondary research, it holds a vast amount of information collected by other sources. However, although the internet is very up to date, it isn't always the most accurate source information but it is very ideal to begin using some background knowledge. It is ideal to research a variety of sources to give you an accurate overview. A few more examples of secondary research are: books, government statistics, newspapers and magazines and journals.

Our music video is based upon a love story between two mystical woodland creatures. Our target audience being aged between 12 – 20. The idea is to take the video beyond the predictable love song to create a contrary fairytale, keeping the visuals light hearted to compliment our lyrics. Realising the relationship between our visuals and audio being unpredictable, we intend to structure our video as a love story to keep the audience engaged.

The location chosen for filming is Pin Mill in Chelmondiston (Ipswich, IP9 1JN). We have many ideas about where to film this project however due to cost and time it is agreed that this location is the most successful. We have agreed upon a daily budget for petrol keeping costs low and fair. Pin Mill is approximately 15 – 20 minutes from Ipswich travelling by car. Being to look at our chosen location it is exactly what we had planned to find; A large woodland, situated near The River Orwell giving us stunning views. It is easy to access by car and within walking distance from the nearby car park.

The woodland gives the video a sense of insecurity and uncertainty. The trees are positioned within a short distance between each other allowing the creatures to emerge from their habitat in disguise and with promiscuous feeling.

To begin our music video we had the idea of the sun rising creating a feeling of surrealism. Seeing the sunrise introduces our video and helps form the structure of the day awakening. We have 23seconds of introduction before our lyrics begin, after the sunrise we decided to introduce our location being the woodlands. To create a feeling of emptiness, the movement of shot will be panned across the abandoned walk way, engaging the audience to feel out of the norm.

Following on from this scene we then introduce the woodland creatures, these mystical creatures awaken from their habitat behind logs and from trees creating a sense of curiosity. The creatures carry a threatening identity towards unfamiliar faces, they portray their identity through colour; wearing bright and bold face paints and shabby yet unique attire.

To allow the audience to visualise the relationship between the two creatures, we have choreographed a short dance. The dance begins as the chorus begins. This dance involves three other students being Arti Patel, Sharni Sayer and Amy Rush Da Silva. We need extra creatures in order to form a circle, allowing the two creatures in love to be hidden in the middle. The two in love will gradually be revealed as the group separates. This scene is dominant to the video because it emphasises the creatures happiness and acceptance for the couple in love and showing a alternative side to the audience, seeming understanding and cheerful.

Beginning of the second verse, the creatures are lying down side by side lip syncing. For this scene we plan to use a rotating shot creating a magical feeling. The song picks up again on the chorus repeating the previous dance however this time the dance is emphasising a celebration for the two as the creatures all come together once more.

We end the song on the sunset, we decided to use the same shots of the sunrise which will be used in the opening scene but reverse it for this scene, so we see the story come to an end.

Filming our promo in the woodlands means we have to weigh out our pros and cons. It is important that we keep up to date with the weather forecast, because if it rains we can have the option to fall back on a plan B rather than become stuck. Following on from this, the temperature is reaching minus degrees Celsius within the next week meaning we have to consider other costume options preventing us from becoming ill. Due to our Sunset scene it is important to make sure we keep in the know about the weather. If the weather forecasts fog and cloud this results in us being unable to shoot this specific scene because the sun will be not be visible. We also have to find out what time the sunrises in order for us to be successful and giving us enough time to prepare before the shoot.

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